Gaming 102 - Week 4

Game review : Machinarium 

Resultado de imagen de machinarium

Link to demo:

I think the artwork is really well done. The whole character and environment concept is based on machines. It also seems like an old rusty world. Also every robot or machine is designed different and in keeping with their personalities.

The main character is so cute! He is so tiny and clumsy, it's hard not to like him. He hasn't have a name though, or at least i can't remember it.

I think the "lack" of music was a good choice. You have to concentrate to solve the puzzles and a constant soundtrack may be distracting. However, the few sounds and the low mysterius-world-like music in the background makes it very appealing, almost like you can feel the atmosphere in the game.

The gameplay is really easy, since you only have to use the mouse and click on objects to collect them or in concrete places to move the character. The puzzles, on the other hand, can be very tricky sometimes. You get stuck pretty easily, even in the first level.
But the game offers you a very clever hint system, in my opinion. You can have a hint pro level, which doesn't help you much to be honest, or you can know the whole solution by clicking on the notebook. But before you get there, you'll have to pass a minigame. I think it's very original, you have to earn your hints!

I think it's a very interesting game. I love puzzles and riddles and that's why I played the whole game a few years ago. I definitely recommend it, in fact i got my entire family to play it back in the day :D.
But I wouldn't recommend it for impatient players that give up too easily.

I give it an 8 out of 10.
