BSA226 - Week 2

For this week we have to start making sketches for our characters for our story. This was surprisingly  a bit difficult for me, since I have my storyline pretty much figured out, but I had no idea how my character could look like.

So what is my story about?
The story happens in a 6-year-old girl bedroom. A ballerina dances in her music box while a clown doll observes her from the toy box. Then the mother comes in. On her way out, she tripped over the ballerina, so she puts her on the highest shelf. Now nobody can admire the ballerina, which makes her and the clown very sad.
The clown decides to go find her and tries to climb to the shelf. Finally he gets up there and  gives the ballerina the flower of his pocket. She is now happy again, as she knows that she´s not alone anymore and she starts dancing for the clown again.

First sketches
Yes, at the end I chose a clown. And I promise I will do my best to not make him look creepy.
Why a clown? I was sure that I wanted a male kind of human like toy who wasn´t the typical strong Action man or superhero. I wanted someone who seems kind and vulnerable at the first sight.
After consulting with a lot of people, a lot suggested rug dolls or wood toys, but I want my toy to have fingers, so he can climb better to the shelf.
A scarecrow (also a cute one ^^') came also to my mind but I don´t know, I think a child is more likely to own a clown than a scarecrow, isn´t it?

I took inspiration from Toy Story (obviously) and found some pictures online of clown dolls and outfits.

For the moment I will do sketches by hand, since I´m waiting for my tablet to arrive.
